Coconut Berry Probiotic Chia Seed Breakfast
Breakfast Snack

Coconut Berry Probiotic Chia Seed Breakfast

Look after your gut biome, and kick start your metabolism with this nutritious breakfast or snack. I get 2 servings per recipe and I have this once a week, sometimes after a work out I'll stir in leucine and protein powder-its a great snack.

Serves: Two people

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Look after your gut biome, and kick start your metabolism with this nutritious breakfast or snack. I get 2 servings per recipe and I have this once a week, sometimes after a work out I'll stir in leucine and protein powder-its a great snack.

You’ll need these ingredients:

  • 3 Capsules of M&R Essentials Gut Biome 1 Probiotic (open and empty capsule contents)
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder organic 
  • 1 cup filtered water (never use tap water)
  • 1 can coconut full fat milk (I use Roar brand)
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar or nectar


I use one bag of OOB berries, heat with a little water ( you can add some organic cornstarch to thicken if you like, I also like to add cinnamon on top as well to be extra healthy)

Preparation Instructions:

In a medium saucepan over low heat, health the coconut milk and water till warm to touch. Whisk in Chia seeds, coconut nectar, kefir starter and vanilla powder
Transfer to 2 glass jars or bowls and cover with paper towel and secure with a rubber band.

Check for taste/tartness after 12 hours of fermentation and if not tart cover again for another 12 hours

Then garnish wth toppings 

This will keep for 5 days

Raw Resources

Read About the Science Behind the Supplements